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Per Project

Flat Fee*

You deserve peace of mind for more than just your legal issues - you deserve peace of mind when it comes to your legal fees. Per project flat fee pricing provides predictability for your business so you can rest easy knowing exactly how much you will be paying for your legal services.



Contact us to learn more and get a free quote for your project.


General Counsel*

Our Outside General Counsel program provides you with the benefits and peace of mind of an "on-call" attorney for your legal issues at a discounted rate. Over a call or an in-person meeting, we can discuss the legal needs of your business, the amount of help you might need, and the discounted rate we can offer. 


Contact us to learn more and get a free quote for your business.

Hourly Billing


For projects that are large or uncertain in scope, hourly billing may be the only feasible method. Our standard hourly rate is $300 per hour. 


Contact us to learn more about our hourly rates.

*All prices, packages, and services described on this page are for information purposes only. Each package has a cap on the number of hours available under the package (contact us to learn more about hour caps). The packages do not constitute an offer to perform legal services. The scope, price, and hour cap of the packages may change at any time and/or may be declined at any time. The only way to engage Daniel Weiss Law, P.A. or its attorneys is to speak to an attorney at the firm and sign an engagement letter with the firm. If you have any questions regarding this disclaimer, please contact us.

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